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Our Clients

Best in class services that we provide

Web application development

Mobile application development

UI/UX Designing

Software testing

Penetration testing

Security research & analysis

Graphics designing

Devops & Microservices

IT Consultation

Recent Works

ClubW - Next-Gen Website

Immerse yourself in the digital frontier with ClubW, our avant-garde website that pushes the boundaries of design and functionality. Powered by the cutting-edge technologies of Next.js and Directus, ClubW isn't just a website—it's a masterpiece of digital craftsmanship. From its sleek, minimalist interface to its lightning-fast performance, ClubW captivates visitors and elevates brands to stratospheric heights in the digital domain. With seamless navigation and immersive visuals, ClubW creates an unforgettable digital experience that resonates deeply with users, driving engagement, and conversion rates to unprecedented levels.

Adidi - Customer Loyalty Platform

Embark on an odyssey of unparalleled customer engagement with Adidi, our revolutionary platform meticulously architected using the latest in React and Node.js technologies. More than just a loyalty platform, Adidi serves as a cornerstone for fostering enduring relationships between businesses and their valued clientele. Seamlessly blending intricate integration and intuitive design, Adidi empowers businesses to harness the full potential of customer loyalty. Through personalized experiences and targeted interactions, Adidi propels retention rates skyward, while cultivating fervent brand advocacy with each touchpoint.

Profitex - Reward Distribution Platform

Prepare to be dazzled by Profitex, our dynamic platform engineered with React and Node.js at its core. Profitex represents the pinnacle of reward management evolution, offering a comprehensive solution that streamlines operations and revolutionizes user experiences. Built on a foundation of robust features and flexible architecture, Profitex adapts effortlessly to the unique demands of each business, delivering personalized rewards and incentives that resonate deeply with their audience. By cultivating loyalty and maximizing ROI, Profitex blazes a trail towards unparalleled success for businesses seeking to unlock the full potential of their rewards programs.

Cashtha - Shopping Reward App

Revolutionize your shopping experience with Cashtha, our groundbreaking mobile app meticulously crafted using React Native and Node.js. Cashtha isn't merely a shopping app; it's a gateway to a realm of rewards and incentives that redefine the very essence of retail therapy. By seamlessly integrating reward distribution into every transaction, Cashtha transforms mundane purchases into thrilling opportunities for users to earn valuable rewards. With its intuitive user interface and seamless functionality, Cashtha reshapes the retail landscape, offering users a profoundly rewarding and engaging shopping experience that transcends the ordinary. Join us as we embark on a journey towards a brighter, more rewarding future with Cashtha at your side.